a town with an ocean view [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a town with an ocean view [o]
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2018 4:16:15 GMT
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You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated, I see the wires pulling while you're breathing.
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A salty sea breeze greeted Xinyi as he stepped off of the elderly man's small, unassuming passenger ferry. Having spent many merry days in the port city of Vermilion in his youth, he was no stranger to briny conditions, although he would be lying if he said the shrill cries of the unfettered Wingulls did not bother him.

He had managed to build a rapport of sorts with the elderly boat captain and they had a lengthy conversation about just about everything under the sun; topics such as his life prior to becoming a boat captain, his son who grew up to be a successful executive at the Devon Corporation, and his grandchildren had come up.

Xinyi had spent almost the entire journey listening and barely any time talking, but did manage to learn a little bit about the history of Dewford Town. For starters, he learned that there was a Pokemon gym on the island, and he briefly toyed with the idea of paying the gym leader a visit.

He also found out that the island was a hot spot of sorts for geologists and miners because of the granite caves, and about the water route as well.

Xinyi would check those places out in due time, but first thing's first, he headed to the Pokemon center to recuperate. He and his party had been waylaid by wild Pokemon, so it was safe to say that his team were deserving of a good rest.

The counter just so happened to be unmanned, so he pressed the service bell and waited. He imagined that the nurse would be back sooner or later.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a town with an ocean view [o]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2018 23:32:22 GMT
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the dewford gym isn't as actively patronized as others. that's just a natural fact of life. the island is a fair bit harder to get to than the mainland towns and cities, and compared to other ocean-locked locations dewford town has very little to offer in the ways of entertainment. for some this could prove frustrating -- skilled trainers often crave consistent, exciting battles. for sveva though it's kind of a blessing. the challengers she sees all want to be there. there's no passing through dewford, you're either coming or going, and when the battles are done she has time for them she wouldn't if there were battles queued up consistently.

for example, the opportunity to walk challengers to the pokemon center is one she couldn't act on in a busy city. there would be too many people to see. here, every trainer that walks into the gym's doors walks out with her at their side -- victory or defeat -- as they go to heal up their team. it means that she not only develops a positive relationship with most that undertake her gym's trial, but she gets to know the town better. everyone who frequents the pokemon center knows her face and when she walks in it's often to the greetings of the locals who use the place as a kind of social spot.

that's what happens today when she walks a young boy through the center's doors. he's a kid from town, inexperienced but spirited. she rubs his shoulder for a moment as they enter before letting him go to the counter himself; seeing him off with a smile and a wave. those around her begin to chat in her direction, and after a few moments of this she realizes one of the few people not speaking is a new face held up at the counter alongside her defeated challenger. she approaches with a grin and goes to clap him on the back once she's close enough.

"hey there, stranger! i don't, like, recognize your face from around here! what brings you to the island?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a town with an ocean view [o]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2018 17:31:36 GMT
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You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated, I see the wires pulling while you're breathing.
TAG @sveva
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He had taken to tapping his finger rhythmically on the surface of the granite countertop (there was little doubt in Xinyi's mind that the granite had been mined from the stone cave that Dewford was renowned for) to the melody of a classical work that he had learned many years ago when he was a child; the name of the work eluded him, but he was mostly repeating the same two or three bars via pure muscle memory anyways.

It wasn't the kind of impatient tapping that you'd expect from an unsatisfied customer who was waiting for the poor cashier's supervisor to make an appearance, but a habit that Xinyi resorted to in order to relieve his own restlessness. If he had happened to have been waiting outdoors, this habit would have manifested itself in him lighting a cigarette.

The appearance of a young boy beside him piqued Xinyi's interest, and he found his eyes wandering in that direction. From the looks of it, the youngster's pokemon's needs were a lot more urgent than his own; an ambitious, young trainer who was in the middle of his Pokemon Gym challenge perhaps?

Xinyi had gotten there first, but he would let the nurse attend to the young boy before him. He wanted to tell him as such, but he had never been much good at initiating conversation. Fortunately, a clasp on the back from a stranger meant he would get to avoid any awkward dialogue.

The stranger already had him pegged down as a foreigner, which was reasonable considering Dewford's size. This sense of tight knit community made Xinyi feel more and more like an outsider though. "I'm not from Hoenn," he replied.

"I guess you could say I'm just touring the region. I had just come in from Mauville, so Dewford seemed like an appropriate next destination," he added, took a pause and then continued again. "Who might you be?" he asked.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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a town with an ocean view [o]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2018 4:13:20 GMT
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air-headed is what she wants people to think she is, what she wishes she still was, but in reality sveva is sharp. she didn't miss the man letting the young trainer cut in front of him in line and it helps warm her up to the stranger. she was already determined to welcome the man, but now she feels obligated to give him her full attention for at least a little while.

"i would say mauville's a ways away, but like, another region is definitely way further."

she laughs a little bit, more out of habit than anything special said by herself or the man.

"oh, i'm the town's gym leader! sveva, but most of the locals call me vivi."

her introduction is paired with an extended hand and a broad smile.


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